Comparative Genomics Lab, 2008-2010
Ph.D., University of Minnesota (2008)
D.V.M., Universidad Central de Venezuela (2003)
Understanding factors affecting susceptibility and/or resistance to infectious diseases in pigs to improve swine welfare and production, including mycoplasma research.
College of Veterinary Medicine Travel Award, University of Minnesota (2008)
Student Bursary, 20th Congress of the International Pig Veterinary Society, Durban, South Africa (2008)
Grant Writing Competition, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Minnesota (Spring 2007)
College of Veterinary Medicine Travel Award, University of Minnesota (2006)
Young's Person Bursary, 19th Congress of the International Pig Veterianary Society, Copenhagen, Denmark (2006)
Young's Person Bursary, 18th Congress of the International Pig Veterinary Society, Hamburg, Germany (2004)
Grant Writing Competition, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Minnesota (2004)