

Peer Reviewed Articles

Swanson, K.S., K.R. Belsito, B.M. Vester, and L.B.Schook
Arch. Anim. Nutr. 63, 160-171
Ho, C.S., J.K. Lunney, A. Ando, C. Rogel-Gaillard, J.H. Lee, L.B. Schook, and D.M. Smith
Tissue Antigens, 73(4), 307-315
Swanson, K.S., B.M. Vester, C.J. Apanavicius, N.A. Kirby, and L.B. Schook
Neurobiol. Aging, 30(8), 1314-1326
Luetkemeier, E.S., R.S. Malhi, J.E. Beever and L.B. Schook.
Immunogenetics, 61, 119-129
The Bovine Genome Sequencing and Analysis Consortium
Science, 324, 522-528
Kuzmuk, K.N. and L.B. Schook
In CAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources (pp. 1-9). Wallingford, Oxfordshire, UK: CABI Publishing
Ma, J.G., H. Yasue, K. Eyer, H. Hiraiwa, T. Shimogiri, S.N. Meyers, J.E. Beever, L.B. Schook, C.W. Beattie, and W.S. Liu
BMC Genomics, 10, 211
Middelbos, I.S., L.K. Karr-Lilienthal, B.M. Vester, L.B. Schook, and K.S. Swanson
PLoS ONE 4(2), e4481
Ramos, A.M., R.P.M.A Crooijmans, N.A. Affara, A.J.Amaral, A.L. Archibald, J.E.Beever, C. Bendixen, C.Churcher, R.Clark, P.Dehais, M.S. Hansen, J. Hedegaard, Z.L.Hu, H.H. Kerstens, A.S. Law, H.J. Megens, D. Milan, D.J.Nonneman, G.A. Rohrer, M.F. Rothschild, T.P.L. Smith, R.D. Schnabel, C.P. Van Tassell, J.F. Taylor, R.T. Wiedmann, L.B. Schook, and M.A.M. Groenen
PLoS ONE, 4(8), e6524


M.A.M. Groenen, R.P.M.A. Crooijmans, A.M. Ramos, A.J. Amaral, H. Kerstens, C. Bendixen, J. Hedegaard, G. Rohrer, T. Smith, C. Van Tassel, J.F. Taylor, M. Rothschild, H. Zhiliang, D. Nonneman, J. Beever, A. Archibald, A. Law, D. Milan, M. Hansen, L. Schook
Plant and Animal Genome XVII Conference, January 10-14, 2009, San Diego, CA
R.S. Ganu, T.A. Garrow, M. Sodhi, L.B. Schook
Experimental Biology Annual Meeting, April 18-22, 2009, New Orleans, LA

Peer Reviewed Articles

Rogatcheva, M.B., K. Chen, D.M. Larkin, S.N. Meyers, B.M. Marron, W. He, W., L.B. Schook, and J.E. Beever
Anim. Biotechnol. 19, 28-42
L.B. Schook, K. Kuzmuk, S. Adam, L. Rund, K. Chen, M. Rogatcheva, M. Mazur, C. Pollock, C. Counter
In M.H. Pinard, C. Gay, P.P. Pastoret, B. Dodet (Eds.), Animal Genomics for Animal Health (pp. 15-25), Basel, Switzerland: Karger AG
Liu, W.S., H. Yasue, K. Eyer, H. Hiraiwa, T. Shimogiri, B. Roelofs, E. Landrito, J. Ekstrand, M. Treat, N. Paes, M. Lemos, A.C. Griffith, M.L. Davis, S.N. Meyers, M. Yerle, D. Milan, J.E. Beever, L.B. Schook, and C.W. Beattie
Cytogenet. Genome Res. 120, 157-163


L.R. Trump, J. Scrimgeour, T.S. Tanaka, G. Timp, L.B. Schook
6th Annual International Society for Stem Cell Research Annual Meeting, June 11-14, 2008, Philadelphia, PA
R. Crooijmans, T. Baxter, S. Casu, K. Chen, A. Ducos, S. Genini, E Guiffra, U.T. Ju, H.P. Koelewijn, M. Longeri, E. Luetkemeier, R. Malhi, H.J. Megens, W. Muir, N. Okumura, M. Perez-Encisco, A. Roca, C. Roseman, G. Semaidi, M. Sodhi, G. Larson, M Groenen, L. Schook
7th International Symposium on Wild Boar (Sus Scrofa) and Sub-Order Suiformes, August 29, 2008, Sopron, Hungary
L.B. Schook
Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Animal Genetics, July 20-24, 2008, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Peer Reviewed Articles

Chen, K., T. Baxter, W.M. Muir, M.A. Groenen, and L.B. Schook
Int. J. Biol. Sci. 3, 153-165
Pollock, C.B., M.B. Rogatcheva, L.B. Schook
Mamm. Genomics, 18, 210-219
Luetkemeier, E.S., F.A. Zuckermann, L.B. Schook
Suis Genetica, 42, 14-22
Babiuk, S., B. Horseman, C. Zhang, M. Bickis, A. Kusalik, L.B. Schook, M.S. Abrahamsen, and R. Pontarollo
Immunogenetics, 59, 167-176
Adam, S.J., L.A. Rund, K.N. Kuzmuk, J.F. Zachary, L.B. Schook, and C.M. Counter
Oncogene, 26, 1038-1045
Humphray, S.J., C.E. Scott, R. Clark, B. Marron, C. Bender, N. Camm, J. Davis, A. Jenks, A. Noon, M. Patel, H. Sehra, F. Yang, M.B. Rogatcheva, D. Milan, P. Chardon, G. Rohrer, D. Nooneman, P. de Jong, S.N. Meyers, A. Archibald, J.E. Beever, L.B. Schook, and J. Rogers
Genome Biol. 8(7), R139
Rogatcheva, M.B., K.L. Fritz, L.A. Rund, C.B. Pollock, J.E. Beever, C.M. Counter, and L.B. Schook
Gene, 405, 27-35
Chowdhury, S.R., D.E. King, B.P. Willing, M.R. Band, J.E. Beever, A.B. Lane, J.J. Loor, J.C. Marini, L.A. Rund, L.B. Schook, A.G. Kessel, and H.R. Gaskins
BMC Genomics, 8, 215


L.R. Trump, U. Mirsaidov, G. Timp, L.B. Schook
5th Annual International Society for Stem Cell Research Annual Meeting, June 17-20, 2007, Cairns, Australia
E. Luetkemeier, L.B. Schook
American Association of Immunologists Annual Meeting, May 18-22, 2007, Miami Beach, FL

Peer Reviewed Articles

Ho, C.S., E.S. Rochelle, G.W. Martens, L.B. Schook, and D.M. Smith
Immunogenetics, 11, 873-882
Swanson, K.S. and L.B. Schook
Curr. Nutr. Food Sci. 2, 115-126


K. Chen, J. Beever, L.A. Rund, L.B. Schook
Plant and Animal Genome XIV Conference, January 9-13, 2006, San Diego, CA
W.S. Liu, A. Rink, K. Eyer, H. Yasue, B. Roelofs, H. Hiraiwa, T. Shimogiri, S.N. Meyers, E. Landrito, J. Ekstrand, M. Treat, M. Yerle, D. Milan, J.E. Beever, L.B. Schook, C.W. Beattie
Plant and Animal Genome XIV Conference, January 9-13, 2006, San Diego, CA
E.K. Wagner, S.N. Meyers, M.B. Rogatcheva, D. Milan, L.B. Schook, J.E. Beever
Plant and Animal Genome XIV Conference, January 9-13, 2006, San Diego, CA
M. Rogatcheva, L. Rund, C. Pollock, J. Beever, C. Counter, L. Schook
Plant and Animal Genome XIV Conference, January 9-13, 2006, San Diego, CA
S.J. Adam, L.A. Rund, K.N. Kuzmuk, L.B. Schook, C.M. Counter
30th International Conference on Animal Genetics, August 20-25, 2006, Porto Seguro, Brazil
M.J. Mazur, J.F. Zachary, J.E. Pettigrew, L.B. Schook
Experimental Biology Annual Meeting, April 1-5, 2006, San Francisco, CA
W.S. Liu, H. Yasue, K. Eyer, H. Hiraiwa, T. Shimogiri, B. Roelofs, E. Landrito, J. Eskstrand, M. Treat, N. Paes, M. Lemos, A. Grittith, S.N. Meyers, M. Yerle, D. Milan, J.E. Beever, L.B. Schook, A. Rink, C.W. Beattie
30th International Conference on Animal Genetics, August 20-25, 2006, Porto Seguro, Brazil
L.B. Schook, J.E. Beever, L.A. Rund, K. Chen
Plant and Animal Genome XIV Conference, January 9-13, 2006, San Diego, CA
D. Milan, J.E. Beever, Y. Lahbib, L. Schook, C. Beattie, M. Yerle
30th International Conference on Animal Genetics, August 20-25, 2006, Porto Seguro, Brazil
C.P. Pollock, L.B. Schook, M.B. Rogatcheva
Plant and Animal Genome XIV Conference, January 9-13, 2006, San Diego, CA
L.R. Trump, G. Durack, U. Mirsaidov, G. Timp, L.B. Schook
Proceedings of the 4th International Society for Stem Cell Research Annual Meeting (pp. 301), June 29 – July 1, 2006, Toronto, Canada
K.N. Kuzmuk, L.A. Rund, S.J. Adam, J.F. Zachary, C.M. Counter, L.B. Schook
Experimental Biology Annual Meeting, April 1-5, 2006, San Francisco, CA
E.S. Rochelle, R. Husmann, G. Calzada-Nova, F.A. Zuckermann, L.B. Schook
Plant and Animal Genome XIV Conference, January 9-13, 2006, San Diego, CA
K.N. Kuzmuk, L.A. Rund, S.J. Adam, J.F. Zachary, C.M. Counter, L.B. Schook
30th International Conference on Animal Genetics, August 20-25, 2006, Porto Seguro, Brazil
E.S. Rochelle and L.B. Schook
2nd European Veterinary Immunology Workshop, September 4-6, 2006, Paris, France


R.S. Ganu, T. A. Garrow, M. Sodhi, L. B. Schook
Experimental Biology Annual Meeting, April 18-22, 2009, New Orleans, LA


L.R. Trump, J. Scrimgeour, T.S. Tanaka, G. Timp, and L.B. Schook
6th Annual International Society for Stem Cell Research Annual Meeting, June 11-14, 2008, Philadelphia, PA


L.R. Trump, U. Mirsaidov, G. Timp, L.B. Schook
5th Annual International Society for Stem Cell Research Annual Meeting, June 17-20, 2007, Cairns, Australia


K.N. Kuzmuk, L.A. Rund, S.J. Adam, J.F. Zachary, C.M. Counter, L.B. Schook
Experimental Biology Annual Meeting, April 1-5, 2006, San Francisco, CA
M.J. Mazur, M.B. Rogatcheva, L.B. Schook
Experimental Biology Annual Meeting, April 1-5, 2006, San Francisco, CA
K.N. Kuzmuk, L.A. Rund, S.J. Adam, J.F. Zachary, C.M. Counter, L.B. Schook
30th International Conference on Animal Genetics, August 20-25, 2006, Porto Seguro, Brazil
M. Rogatcheva, L. Rund, C. Pollock, J. Beever, C. Counter, L. Schook
Plant and Animal Genome XIV Conference, January 9-13, 2006, San Diego, CA
C.P. Pollock, L.B. Schook, M.B. Rogatcheva
Plant and Animal Genome XIV Conference, January 9-13, 2006, San Diego, CA
E.S. Rochelle, L.B. Schook
Annual Meeting of the American Association of Immunologists, May 12-16, 2006, Boston, MA
L.R. Trump, G. Durack, U. Mirsaidov, G. Timp, L.B. Schook
Proceedings of the 4th International Society for Stem Cell Research Annual Meeting, June 29 – July 1, 2006, Toronto, Canada
E.S. Rochelle, R. Husmann, G. Calzada-Nova, F.A. Zuckermann, L.B. Schook
Plant and Animal Genome XIV Conference, January 9-13, 2006, San Diego, CA
L.B. Schook, J.E. Beever, L.A. Rund, K. Chen
Plant and Animal Genome XIV Conference, January 9-13, 2006, San Diego, CA
K. Chen, J.E. Beever, L.A. Rund, L.B. Schook
Plant and Animal Genome XIV Conference, January 9-13, 2006, San Diego, CA